Newborn Care: Guidance for Child Care in Siliguri

A child is very delicate and needs immense attention and care. They are more susceptible to diseases than an adult body. Especially newborns are prone to catch infection and severe disease because of their lower immunity. Once they are born, they need time to adjust to the outside world. This monitoring and the right medical care can help the child navigate this hard time. Newborn care in Siliguri includes various aspects from immediate care at birth to emotional support for the child.

As much as immediate care can help them adjust to the outside world, emotional support will influence the proper growth of the child psychologically and mentally. Diapering, holding, and sleeping are also necessary aspects that cannot be ignored in newborn care.

In this blog, we will guide you to various newborn care for your child which includes:

Immediate care at birth

Following birth, the infant must be in a monitoring phase during which all tests and behavioural experiences must be closely observed. It is best to select the top newborn care in Siliguri Hospital. To deliver the greatest care, a hospital's best services and facilities are essential.

  • Delayed cord clamping

This allows the baby to receive additional blood from the placenta to improve iron in the body and development in the brain.

  • Monitoring breathing rate

Check the baby’s breathing rate as well as heart rate. A monitor of these can help doctors identify any respiratory issues.

  • Skin-to-skin contact

Try to have skin-to-skin contact with the child. This is essential for making emotional bonds with the child and helping by making them warm.

  • Breastfeeding

Early breastfeeding is very important for the child for the proper development. Breastfeeding offers the nutrients, and antibodies the child needs.

Other Cares a Baby Needs

A newborn could easily be influenced by the outside world and need proper care throughout their growth journey. Take extra caution against germs when touching the baby. These germs easily attack the baby's immune system and cause infections and diseases.

How you are holding your baby is very crucial. They cannot talk about how uncomfortable they are so one needs to take care of how they are holding the baby. How to know if you are holding the baby correctly? Take notice of the response of the baby when you hold them. Quickly make shifts in the positioning of your holding according to their expression and comfort. Baby’s neck and head are particularly soft and tender, supporting them carefully is necessary.

When diapering, don't leave your baby unattended. It is normal to have diaper rash because of their soft and sensitive skin, however, proper treatment with ointment will help. Do not let them wash in the tub bath. A gentle damped cloth with warm water is best to clean the baby. 

Newborn children need to drink milk for their nourishment every few hours. This leads to them waking up in the middle of the night several times. Parents must take care of the infant's sleep and get back to sleep after the baby has fallen asleep.

Assessments of health problems are necessary which include weight, length, and vital signs to identify any risky factors in the body. A doctor manages and monitors these to give the best treatment.


Newborns are susceptible to catching diseases and need special care and attention from medical staff as well as parents. From basic sleeping to monitoring health through experienced doctors, a child needs an effort to help adapt to the outside world. It is crucial to look for the best newborn care in Siliguri for your child care.


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