Newborn Care: Guidance for Child Care in Siliguri

A child is very delicate and needs immense attention and care. They are more susceptible to diseases than an adult body. Especially newborns are prone to catch infection and severe disease because of their lower immunity. Once they are born, they need time to adjust to the outside world. This monitoring and the right medical care can help the child navigate this hard time. Newborn care in Siliguri includes various aspects from immediate care at birth to emotional support for the child. As much as immediate care can help them adjust to the outside world, emotional support will influence the proper growth of the child psychologically and mentally. Diapering, holding, and sleeping are also necessary aspects that cannot be ignored in newborn care. In this blog, we will guide you to various newborn care for your child which includes: Immediate care at birth Following birth, the infant must be in a monitoring phase during which all tests and behavioural experiences must be closely obser...