
Showing posts from May, 2020

Prevalence Of Sickle Cell Disease Among Children

Sickle cell disease is a hereditary condition. It is related to the shape of the red blood cells. In unaffected kids and individuals, the shape of the red blood cell is round in shape while in the affected case of sickle cell, the red blood cells are crescent or sickle in shape. According to the best child specialist doctor in Siliguri , every kid must go through a diagnostic test at the time of their birth. It is the best way to ensure a successful treatment. Why is the shape of the red blood cell a problem? In sickle cell disease, where the shape of the red blood cells is not crescent shape unlike normal ones. Given to the shape of the red blood cells, they get stuck on each other and cause a blockage in the function. This hinders the movement of the blood and results in damages. Signs and Symptoms ·         Long lasting pain in different parts of the body ·         Variable symptoms like cold or dehydration ·         Anaemia. It causes weakness, dizziness,